Sunday, December 21, 2008

Food Porn Daily

At one point, probably about 3 years ago, I wanted to be a food stylist. Only problem was I was neither a chef nor a photographer. But for the amateur food stylist (maybe still inside?) there's always:

Monday, December 1, 2008

This ones for my homies...

[Sourced from Eater]

I can't think of any better people to spread the word to that my Mexican loving friends...

— Midtown Lunch reports that a Midtown Chipotle (45th between 5th nd 6th) will be giving away free burritos for the next three Tuesdays between 5 - 7 p.m. [ML]

Not So Delicattessen

Loved this message board post about Delicatessen. From the same owners as Chelsea long loved Cafeteria- Delicatessen is not worth any hype. My experience consisted of the saltiest Matzoh ball soup i've ever had, a sub par salad, and nothing very Deli about it. Ny Magazine also had a bad review on the newish restaurant which confirmed my beliefs.