Wednesday, January 23, 2008

High Mercury in Tuna...Noooooooooooooo

This is some of the most disappointing news ever!! Tuna is by far my favorite type of sushi and I def eat 6 pieces a week!! Please check out this article.

Not to mention the samples were from some of the best Sushi restaurants and some of my personal favs including Blue Ribbon Sushi and Sushi Seki.

From the article:"Tuna samples from the Manhattan restaurants Nobu Next Door, Sushi Seki, Sushi of Gari and Blue Ribbon Sushi and the food store Gourmet Garage all had mercury above one part per million, the “action level” at which the F.D.A. can take food off the market. (The F.D.A. has rarely, if ever, taken any tuna off the market.) The highest mercury concentration, 1.4 parts per million, was found in tuna from Blue Ribbon Sushi. The lowest, 0.10, was bought at Fairway."

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