Monday, July 9, 2007

CPK arrives in Manhattan

It's hard to imagine that I would even become remotely excited over a place that hands out beepers when there's a wait at the restaurant--but on a late night trip home from some bar; my friends and I eyed the newly opened California Pizza Kitchen from the cab half reminiscing half salivating. The next day being July 4th; we pondered what we considered to be an amazing idea which could only include pizza, Doogs's rooftop, some fireworks and a man we like to consider 'nice.'

So after we enjoyed 10 dollar beers at the yankees game (in seats that were beyond amazing might I add-Thanks Ging!); we rang in a call to our friend; waited for the response and assaulted the CPK menu online. All of the personal pizza options were too much to handle from Garlic Chicken to 3 cheese to the classic bbq chicken. Each of us went back and forth on our decisions. Garlic Shrimp or Vegetarian with goat cheese? Tandoori chicken or thai? Finally, an hour and a half later our friend said he'd stop by and we were ready to place our orders. We decided we'd all get differenct pizzas to make swapping more fun. I got the bbq chicken, a.duh got the garlic shrimp, my sis the thai, and doogs the tandoori with mango. When we were ready to call in the order, we found out because of the holiday there were no deliveries. Bravely, we decided our hearts had been set and a.duh and i would make the 6 block trek to the actual restaurant (oh! The horror). Anyways all was well worth it; we got all the goods, prepped accordingly, ate a slice, make our swaps and created a 'half time' for the frieworks.

Somehow I forgot about the deliciousness of chain-dining; but I guess you cant go wrong when theres cheese bread and various sauces involved. Now if only the next chain to arrive into the island of Manhattan was the Cheesecake Factory...


Anonymous said...

it was such a great day! i thoroughly enjoyed my pizza. i can't believe you ever doubted my plan!! 3 slices now... 3 slices later...

Unknown said...

OMG i saw it a few weeks ago and had the same reaction! All it reminds me of is trips to the mall with my friends in high school, and eating there of course, and flirting with all the waiters! A personal fav of mine was the Peking Duck pizza...I'm not sure if they still have it, but it was incredible with duck, crispy noodles, scallions and plum sauce! YUMM

Lo said...

I don't really get the hoopla over CPK. We never went in HS like Raquel or anything like that, so I have no sentimental attachment. I've probably only eaten there once or twice in my life and both times had the BBQ chicken because it does happen to be fabulous. But beyond that? I just don't get it.

Unknown said...

yeah but does CPK offer shrimp pizza?