Saturday, March 24, 2007

Cafe Anonymous

Just a thought: It's really unfortunate that a certain manager at a french-moraccan cafe tried to fondle A.Duh (I mean, really, who wouldn't try..but still!) It was really nice to get hooked up with endless sangria and free eats just for being a girl. Aside from the manager's inexcusable behavior, that place has a bad omen on it right now...last time we were there things didnt go so as planned between the dinner conversation and the guy I met on the bathroom line . But maybe the spring will renew it...


Anonymous said...

I loveeee the nickname! and yes, that guy is creepy and desperate.

Anonymous said...

;) A-duh, you are pretty hard to resist. I wouldn't accept any "back-massages" from me as well.
I still like that certain manager. I just think he has latin blood and is alittle lonely/married.
Funny you should mention Cafe Anonymous because last weekend T. and I made plans to have a sangria soaked night there this friday...if anyone would like to join...

Anonymous said...

and married!!!! that will never be ok in my book. how is some latin blood an excuse? gross.

i'm never oppossed to going as i have never been fondeled myself (aduh has much bigger assets)... and i'll fake a smile for the free sangria... but this certain manager will not be on my good side as he is a repeat offender!